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Welcome Back – An Update

I’m back! For those that may (or may not) have noticed I took somewhat of a blogging hiatus over the past few months. After returning back to work post-maternity leave I just couldn’t seem to find the time for Someplace Wilder. Whenever I use this phrase, “couldn’t find the time”, there’s a voice in the back of my head that shouts out “You mean, you didn’t make the time”. And I guess that’s a fair judgement. I didn’t make the time. I didn’t (and still don’t) know how to make time for what seems like personal indulgences as a mom.

Being a working mother is so much more intense than I could have imagined. Between everything that comes with being a mom, working a full time job, running a home, finding time for my marriage, getting the endless list of life errands seen to, and keeping myself alive, I simply do not know how to make time for more. So when, a few months ago, my blog hosting came up for renewal I decided not to renew it until I was ready to be present here once again.

The truth is that I’ve really missed this space. I’ve missed writing, creating, and sharing with whoever is wonderful enough to take the time to read the words I string together. Because life is so full and busy and wild, I found that my personal hobbies and interests were the first to leave the building. Isn’t this a difficult reality of being a new mom? You give so much of yourself all day yet don’t think twice about eliminating the small things in life that may fill your personal cup, simply because you’re too tired, too burnt out, too busy, too something…

As time has passed and Travis has gotten bigger (he’s 14 months old now, yikes!) I’ve started really needing to prioritize filling my own cup once again. No, I haven’t magically found more time to do this. But the necessity of it in my life has become more apparent. My blog isn’t something big, or something that takes a lot of time. But it adds so much to my personal fulfillment and happiness that I once again decided to relaunch and rebuild.

Welcome back (or for those who are new), welcome to Someplace Wilder.

To catch you up on what’s going on with me and what you may have missed these past few months:

  • Travis is now 14 months old and we really could not love him more. He is the light of my life and Kyle and I still pinch ourselves regularly at how lucky we are to have such a wonderful little human in our lives. I have so loved watching his personality develop and see him interact more and more with the world around him.
  • I am still working as a retail buyer and really am happy as a working mom at this stage of my life. Transitioning back to work after having a baby is a THING, but in the long term it’s made me happier; I’ve managed to find more balance between work-me and mom-me, am able to still do something for myself each day and therefore have more energy, patience and joy to give to my child. I know this is not everyone’s journey so I count myself incredibly lucky.
  • Kyle and I still live in our beautiful home in Gillitts. Since our major home renovation in 2020 we’ve been slowly pottering away at small projects around the house and garden (although these projects took a major back seat after Travis arrived). I don’t think we’ll ever stop pottering – it is who we are. Our latest project is bringing our vegetable back to life!
  • Our latest addition to the family is our 2014 Invader camping trailer and we are so excited about her. We’ve always wanted some sort of camper, and with our sights set firmly on a three week Botswana trip in 2024 we decided to start our camper journey now. We can’t wait for many African adventures with our little family, both locally and in our neighboring countries. The memories we are going to create are some of the most important gifts we will ever give our children.

Thanks for being here, once again. Let’s get back to it!
